It’s been just over a week since I left Keene
State , and I am bored. I am bored with my job already, I am bored
with nothing to do, I am bored… just. Bored.
I have been watching Nostalgia Critic, reading erotic stories (might
actually try writing one, why not, right?), playing Sims 3, and pretty much
just sitting on my ass. Which is all
well and good for a few days, but my GOD.
The other day, while I was working in the movie theatre, a
bird got in. When two of the other
employees chased the bird out of the theatre it was in, it swooped through the
lobby, and smacked into the glass window.
While pigtail girl went into the bathroom and cried her eyes out and the
manager and the cute ginger boy took the bird out to the sidewalk to see if it
would come to and fly away. (It didn’t).
I was put on popcorn duty. I
stood in front of the popcorn monster and watched it belch put popped kernel after
popped kernel, and thought to myself “I hope that bird was not a sign of my
future.” The movie theatre is fine for a
temporary gig, a placeholder until I can find something I really want to do, a
paycheck with the awesome benefits of a summer of fantastic movies. But I don’t want to get trapped and die there.
So… To the interwebs to figure out the next step!
I see nothing but success in your future! :D