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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Down in New Orleans...

So, I’ve been in a funk for the past two days.  My depression decided to sneak up on me and I am kind of pissed off at it for that.  At least give me a little warning!  Any-hoo, I think I have figured out the next step.  Last night, on my break, I was driving in my car, and “Down in New Orleans” from The Princess and the Frog came on.  This morning, I thought about it, and have decided that while I am at home, I am going to dig myself out of my little financial hole, and then I am going to save, save, save as much as I can to move to New Orleans by my due date of May 6th next year.  (And by due date, I mean the date I set for myself to be out of my parents house.  Don’t get excited.  I’m not pregnant.  Unless I’m carrying the Second Coming, in which case, the world is fucked…)

Why New Orleans, you ask?  For any of you who are reading this and don’t know me personally, I love New Orleans.  I went there last summer for a Student Affairs/ResLife Workshop/Conference (SHOUT OUT TO MY STARS PEEPS!) and fell in love with the city.  I went back over my Spring Break, and was really happy there, so duh… that is the next step.  So, I am researching moving companies, apartment costs, etc. so I know exactly how much I will need to save up in order to move there.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as far as tips for budgeting out a move. 

I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get there, but this feels right.  Like I’ve said, I don’t need to know the endgame, just the next step.  And NOLA is the next step…

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