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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Queen of the Universe!

Good morning, faithful readers!  Do you know what today is?  Awwww, yeah, it’s my BIRTHDAY, BITCHES!  My birthday is the one day a year I get to be completely self-indulgent and be Queen of the Universe.  Unfortunately, this year, I am working.  Aaaalll day long.  Then again, every time I try to plan something special to do on my birthday, something goes really wrong…

For my 23rd birthday, my friends in Pittsburgh tried to throw me a huge surprise birthday party.  Three people showed and it was awkward city.  It ended ok, at Denny’s with ice cream sundaes (although, the nuts were stale).

For my 30th birthday, I decided I wanted to spend the day riding roller coasters.  I went to Six Flags in Mass.  Of course, it was after I got held up at the DMV to renew my license, and arrived just as a storm was headed my way.  I got on one roller coaster, ate lunch, and then the sky turned black, and we were flooded.  I left, got lost on the way to my hotel, and finally wound up in a nice hotel room, eating delicious room service, drinking champagne and soaking in a bubble bath.

Right before the rain came

My 32nd birthday was awesome, though.  I went to Boston, and had beautiful weather, a gorgeous B&B, and no hitches.  Except for that weird couple that tried to pick me up at Cheers.  If they had been a little less sketch, I probably would have gone for it.  But, I like all my internal organs, and being STD-Free.

The Bertram Inn, where I stayed.  Beautiful place, delightful people.

Last year, I wanted to do Six Flags again, but there was talk of rain, so I planned a big lunch at Luca’s in Keene with my friends.  We went from a party of nine to about 5, the table was kind of awkward, but hey, the food was awesome.  Did I mention there was a massive downpour that day, too?

Also, made my own birthday cake.  It looks hideous, but tasted delicious!

So, this year I did not plan anything big and spectacular, I figured I’d be working.  But you bet your butt I’ll mention it at every chance I get.  See, 364 days out of the year, I totally know the world does not revolve around me.  I am nothing special.  But my birthday is the only day where I am ok with making it all about me.  34 years ago, I came into this world, and while I am still trying to find my place in it, I am going to celebrate my arrival to the hilt. 


Also, a big Birthday Shout-Out to the man who brought us “Buffy”, “Angel”, “Firefly”, and The Avengers.  Happy Birthday, Joss Whedon!  I love that I get to share the day with you!  

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